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About Us

Company Name : LIC Of India
Company Email ID :
Company Phone No : 9909429415
Nature of Business : Recruitment of LIC Advisor

Myself Rajesh Macwan working as Recruitment Officer with LIC Of India World's NO.1 Life Insurance Company since last 20 years. LIC Of India is central government undertaking and working in india since 1956. With more than 30 crore client base, LIC is Most Trusted Brand.

LIC Of India Offers you a golden Career Opportunity as Insurance Advisor with:


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World's Highest Paid Profession

- LIC agency is considered today as the Highest paid profession in the world - It also provides you with the Royalty INCOME - You consider your OWN BUISNESS with less CAPITAL INVESTMENT - You have FREEDOM to set your OWN WORKING HOURS - You have the OPPORTUNITY to earn as per YOUR POTENTIAL - Your work gets EASIER and LESS DEMANDING as your Business GROWS - You can pass on the BUSINESS to your next GENERATIONS as LEGACY

Grow With LIC

Do you want to earn extra income for your family? Do you want to set up your own business? Do you want to utilize your extra time? Do you want to visit foreign country? Such kind of many more dreams if you want to fulfill, then join LIC as an advisor This career is waiting for enthusiastic person like you who want to fulfill their dreams

Be Your Own Boss

You will be Your Own Boss in LIC Advisor Profession. You Will Enjoy
1) Freedom To Choose Time Of Working (Daily 1 Hour, 2 Hour.. As Per Your Choice).
2) Freedom To choose Place Of Working
3) Freedom To Choose Target At Your Own

Review & Rating


1 reviews

Good Opportunity 👍

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